Koodisto: oppiaineetinternationalschool, versio 1

Oppiaineet international school


Koodiarvo Lyhytnimi Nimi Kuvaus
AD - Advisory -
ART Art Art Art
DD - Digital Design -
DE - Design -
DR - Drama -
EAL - English as an additional language -
EMA - Extended Mathematics -
F - Film -
FFL Finnish Foreign Language Finnish Foreign Language Finnish Foreign Language
FL - Foreign language -
FMT - Finnish Mother Tongue -
FR - French -
HAWB Fitness and Well-Being
HSCM - HS Consumer Math 11/12 -
ILS - Independent language studies -
INS Integrated Studies Integrated Studies Integrated Studies
IS - Individuals and Societies -
ITGS - Information Technology in a Global Society -
LA - Language Arts -
LAC - Language Acquisition -
LIB - Library -
LL - Language and Literature -
MA - Mathematics -
MAA - Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches -
MAI - Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation -
ME - Media -
MF Math Foundations Math Foundations Math Foundations
MU - Music -
PE - Physical Education -
PHE - Physical and Health Education -
PP - Personal project -
SCI - Sciences -
SMA - Standard Mathematics -
SS - Social Studies -
VA - Visual Art -