Koodisto: ammatillisenoppiaineet, versio 1

Yhteisten tutkinnon osien osa-alueet


Koodiarvo Lyhytnimi Nimi Kuvaus
001 - To function in society and as a citizen -
003 - Communication and Interaction skills -
AI - - -
ETK - - -
FK - - -
KU - - -
MA - - -
MAVA - Knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences -
MLFK Physical and chemical phenomena and their application Physical and chemical phenomena and their application
MLMA Mathematics and application of mathematics Mathematics and application of mathematics
PS - - -
TAK - - -
TET - - -
TK1 - - -
TK2 - - -
TVT - - -
TYT - - -
VK - - -
VVAI Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish
VVAI11 Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish for sign language users Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish for sign language users
VVAI15 Communication and interaction in mother tongue, sign language Communication and interaction in mother tongue, sign language
VVAI16 Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the student’s mother tongue Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the student’s mother tongue
VVAI17 - - -
VVAI22 Communication and interaction in mother tongue Communication and interaction in mother tongue
VVAI3 Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Sámi Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Sámi
VVAI4 Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the Roma language Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the Roma language
VVAI7 Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish as a second language Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish as a second language
VVAI8 - - -
VVTD Operating in a digital environment Operating in a digital environment
VVTK Communication and interaction in the second national language Communication and interaction in the second national language
VVTL Art and creative expression Art and creative expression
VVVK Communication and interaction in a foreign language Communication and interaction in a foreign language
YKT - - -
YM - - -
YTKK Promoting sustainable development Promoting sustainable development
YTOU Study and career planning capabilities Study and career planning capabilities
YTTH Maintaining ability to work and wellbeing at work Maintaining ability to work and wellbeing at work
YTTT Operating in the world of work Operating in the world of work
YTYK Operating as a member of society and a citizen Operating as a member of society and a citizen
YTYY Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities
YYT - - -