Yhteisten tutkinnon osien osa-alueet
Koodiarvo | Lyhytnimi | Nimi | Kuvaus |
001 | - | To function in society and as a citizen | - |
003 | - | Communication and Interaction skills | - |
AI | - | - | - |
ETK | - | - | - |
FK | - | - | - |
KU | - | - | - |
MA | - | - | - |
MAVA | - | Knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences | - |
MLFK | Physical and chemical phenomena and their application | Physical and chemical phenomena and their application | |
MLMA | Mathematics and application of mathematics | Mathematics and application of mathematics | |
PS | - | - | - |
TAK | - | - | - |
TET | - | - | - |
TK1 | - | - | - |
TK2 | - | - | - |
TVT | - | - | - |
TYT | - | - | - |
VK | - | - | - |
VVAI | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish | |
VVAI11 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish for sign language users | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish for sign language users | |
VVAI15 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, sign language | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, sign language | |
VVAI16 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the student’s mother tongue | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the student’s mother tongue | |
VVAI17 | - | - | - |
VVAI22 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue | Communication and interaction in mother tongue | |
VVAI3 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Sámi | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Sámi | |
VVAI4 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the Roma language | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, the Roma language | |
VVAI7 | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish as a second language | Communication and interaction in mother tongue, Finnish as a second language | |
VVAI8 | - | - | - |
VVTD | Operating in a digital environment | Operating in a digital environment | |
VVTK | Communication and interaction in the second national language | Communication and interaction in the second national language | |
VVTL | Art and creative expression | Art and creative expression | |
VVVK | Communication and interaction in a foreign language | Communication and interaction in a foreign language | |
YKT | - | - | - |
YM | - | - | - |
YTKK | Promoting sustainable development | Promoting sustainable development | |
YTOU | Study and career planning capabilities | Study and career planning capabilities | |
YTTH | Maintaining ability to work and wellbeing at work | Maintaining ability to work and wellbeing at work | |
YTTT | Operating in the world of work | Operating in the world of work | |
YTYK | Operating as a member of society and a citizen | Operating as a member of society and a citizen | |
YTYY | Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities | Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities | |
YYT | - | - | - |