Koodisto: oppiaineetdia, versio 1

Oppiaineet dia


Koodiarvo Lyhytnimi Nimi Kuvaus
A - A-language -
AI - Mother tongue -
B1 - B1-language -
B2 - B2-language -
B3 - B3-language -
BI - Biology -
CCEA - - -
CLOE - - -
ELI - English, additional course -
ET - Ethics -
FI - Philosophy -
FY - Physics -
HI - History -
KE - Chemistry -
KU - Visual arts -
LI - Physical education -
LT - Legal knowledge -
MA - Mathematics -
MAA - Geography (German and English) -
MALI - Mathematics, additional course -
MASY - Mathematics, advanced -
MU - Music -
RALI - French, additional course -
TA - Economics and social studies -
TI - Information and communications technology -
TK - Computing and software -
US - Religion -
VELI - Russian, additional course -
VT - - -