Koodisto: oppiaineetib, versio 1

Oppiaineet ib


Koodiarvo Lyhytnimi Nimi Kuvaus
A Language A: literature
A2 Language A: language and literature
AB ab initio ab initio ab initio
B B-language
BIO Biology
BU Business and management
CAS Creativity, activity, service
CHE Chemistry
CLA Classical languages Classical languages -
CS - Computer science -
DAN - Dance -
DES Design technology Design technology -
DIS Digital society Digital society -
ECO Economics
EE Extended essay
ESS - - -
FIL - Film -
GEO Geography
HIS History
INF Information technology in a global society Information technology in a global society -
LIT Literature and performance Literature and performance -
MAT Mathematics
MATAA Mathematics: analysis and approaches Mathematics: analysis and approaches -
MATAI Mathematics: applications and interpretation Mathematics: applications and interpretation -
MATFT Further mathematics
MATST Mathematical studies
MUS - Music -
PHI Philosophy
PHY Physics
POL Global politics
PSY Psychology
REL World religions
SOC Social and cultural anthropology
SPO Sports, exercise and health science Sports, exercise and health science -
THE - Theatre -
TOK Theory of knowledge
VA - Visual arts -